Content of an Interchange object

An Interchange object stores all the information known about a system; this includes its chemistry, how that chemistry is represented by a force field, and how the system is organised in 3D space. An Interchange object has four components:

  1. Topology: Stores chemical information, such as connectivity and formal charges, independently of force field

  2. Handlers: Maps the chemical information to force field parameters

  3. Positions: Cartesian co-ordinates of atoms

  4. Box vectors: Periodicity information

None are strictly required; an Interchange object can be constructed containing none of the above components:

>>> from openff.interchange.components.interchange import Interchange
>>> empty_interchange = Interchange()
>>> empty_interchange.topology
>>> empty_interchange.handlers
>>> empty_interchange.positions

An empty Interchange is not useful in itself, but a meaningful object can be constructed programmatically by building and assigning each component piecemeal. Interchange provides a broad API for automated construction which makes construction easier and less error prone in common cases.


The Interchange.topology object is intended to mirror the Topology class provided by the OpenFF Toolkit. At present, however, it serves only as a container for a class of the same name provided by MDTraj, stored as the attribute Interchange.topology.mdtop.

In an upcoming release, this Topology model will be able to store molecules that are rich in chemical information (atoms connected by bonds with fractional bond orders, bond and atom stereochemistry, aromaticity, etc.) and minimal, molecular mechanics-focused representations (particles with masses that are connected to each other).

A topology is optional, though any conversions requiring topological information will fail if any required data is missing.


This attribute is a dictionary whose keys are string identifiers and whose values are PotentialHandler objects. These handlers roughly mirrorParameterHandler objects in the OpenFF Toolkit, but as a post-parameterization representation of the force field parameters. In other words, parameter handlers are components of a force field, and potential handlers describe how those parameters are applied to a chemical system. (The process by which this happens is “parameterization.”)

There are three central components in each handler: topology keys, potential keys, and potentials.

Topology keys (TopologyKey object in memory) are unique identifiers of locations in a topology. These objects do not include physics parameters. The basic information is a tuple of atom indices, which can be of any non-zero length. For example, a topology key describing a torsion will have a 4-length tuple, and a topology key describing a vdW parameter will have a 1-length tuple.

Potential keys (PotentialKey objects in memory) are unique identifiers of physics parameters. These objects do not know anything about the topology they are associated with. In SMIRNOFF force fields, SMIRKS patterns uniquely identify a parameter within a parameter handler, so (with some exceptions) that is all that is needed to construct a potential key. For classically atom-typed force fields, a key can be constructed using atom types or combinations thereof.

Potentials (Potential objects in memory) store the physics parameters that result from parameterizing a chemical topology with a force field. These do not know anything about where in the topology they are associated. The parameters are stored in a dictionary attribute .parameters in which keys are string identifiers and values are the parameters themselves, tagged with units.

These objects are strung together with two mappings, each stored as dictionary attributes of a PotentialHandler. The .slot_map attribute maps segments of a topology to the potential keys (TopologyKey to PotentialKey mapping). The .potentials attribute maps the potential keys to the potentials (PotentialKey to Potential).

Handlers are optional, though any conversions requiring force field parameters will fail if the necessary handlers are missing.


Particle positions are stored as a unit-tagged \(N×3\) matrix, where \(N\) is the number of particles in the topology. For systems with no virtual sites, \(N\) is the number of atoms; for systems with virtual sites, \(N\) is the number of atoms plus the number of virtual sites.

Positions are represented in nanometers both internally and when reported. However, they can be set with positions of other units, and can also be converted as desired. Internally, Interchange uses openff-units to store units, but units from the openmm.units or unyt packages are also supported.

Interchange assumes positions without units are expressed in nanometers. The setter will immediately tag the unitless vectors with units; the internal state always has units explicitly associated with the values.

Positions are optional, though any conversions requiring positions will fail if they are missing.

>>> from openff.interchange.components.interchange import Interchange
>>> from openff.units import unit
>>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
>>> molecule = Molecule.from_smiles("CCO")
>>> molecule.generate_conformers(n_conformers=1)
>>> molecule.conformers[0]
Quantity(value=array([[ 0.88165321, -0.04478118, -0.01474324],
       [-0.58171004, -0.37572459,  0.05098497],
       [-1.35004062,  0.75806983,  0.17615782],
       [ 1.26504668,  0.17421359,  1.01224746],
       [ 1.01649295,  0.87054063, -0.60898906],
       [ 1.47635802, -0.89454965, -0.39185017],
       [-0.78535559, -0.99682774,  0.96832828],
       [-0.83550563, -1.00354494, -0.81588946],
       [-1.08693898,  1.51260405, -0.3762466 ]]), unit=angstrom)
>>> model = Interchange()
>>> model.positions is None
>>> model.positions = molecule.conformers[0]
>>> model.positions
<Quantity([[ 0.08816532 -0.00447812 -0.00147432]
 [-0.058171   -0.03757246  0.0050985 ]
 [-0.13500406  0.07580698  0.01761578]
 [ 0.12650467  0.01742136  0.10122475]
 [ 0.10164929  0.08705406 -0.06089891]
 [ 0.1476358  -0.08945496 -0.03918502]
 [-0.07853556 -0.09968277  0.09683283]
 [-0.08355056 -0.10035449 -0.08158895]
 [-0.1086939   0.1512604  -0.03762466]], 'nanometer')>
>>> model.positions.m_as(unit.angstrom)
array([[ 0.88165321, -0.04478118, -0.01474324],
       [-0.58171004, -0.37572459,  0.05098497],
       [-1.35004062,  0.75806983,  0.17615782],
       [ 1.26504668,  0.17421359,  1.01224746],
       [ 1.01649295,  0.87054063, -0.60898906],
       [ 1.47635802, -0.89454965, -0.39185017],
       [-0.78535559, -0.99682774,  0.96832828],
       [-0.83550563, -1.00354494, -0.81588946],
       [-1.08693898,  1.51260405, -0.3762466 ]])

Box vectors

Information about the periodic box of a system is stored as a unit-tagged \(3×3\) matrix, following conventional periodic box vectors and the implementation in OpenMM.

Box vectors are represented with nanometers internally and when reported. However, they can be set with box vectors of other units, and can also be converted as desired.

If box vectors are passed to the setter without tagged units, nanometers will be assumed. The setter will immediately tag the unitless vectors with units; the internal state always has units explicitly associated with with the values.

If a \(1×3\) matrix (array) is passed to the setter, it is assumed that these values correspond to the lengths of a rectangular unit cell (\(a_x\), \(b_y\), \(c_z\)).

Box vectors are optional; if it is None it is implied that the Interchange object represents a non-periodic system.

>>> from openff.interchange.components.interchange import Interchange
>>> from openff.units import unit
>>> import numpy as np
>>> model = Interchange()
>>> is None
>>> = np.eye(3) * 4 * unit.nanometer
<Quantity([[4. 0. 0.]
 [0. 4. 0.]
 [0. 0. 4.]], 'nanometer')>
>>> = [3, 4, 5]
<Quantity([[3. 0. 0.]
 [0. 4. 0.]
 [0. 0. 5.]], 'nanometer')>
>>> = [28, 28, 28] * unit.angstrom
<Quantity([[2.8 0. 0.]
 [0. 2.8 0.]
 [0. 0. 2.8]], 'nanometer')>
array([[28.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0., 28.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0., 28.]])