Source code for openff.interchange.components.interchange

"""An object for storing, manipulating, and converting molecular mechanics data."""
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import mdtraj as md
import numpy as np
from openff.toolkit.topology.topology import Topology
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.utilities.utilities import has_package, requires_package
from pydantic import Field, validator

from openff.interchange.components.mdtraj import _OFFBioTop
from openff.interchange.components.potentials import PotentialHandler
from openff.interchange.components.smirnoff import (
from openff.interchange.exceptions import (
from openff.interchange.models import DefaultModel
from openff.interchange.types import ArrayQuantity

    if has_package("foyer"):
        from foyer.forcefield import Forcefield as FoyerForcefield


[docs]class Interchange(DefaultModel): """ A object for storing, manipulating, and converting molecular mechanics data. .. warning :: This object is in an early and experimental state and unsuitable for production. .. warning :: This API is experimental and subject to change. """ class _InnerSystem(DefaultModel): """Inner representation of Interchange components.""" # TODO: Ensure these fields are hidden from the user as intended handlers: Dict[str, PotentialHandler] = dict() topology: Optional[_OFFBioTop] = Field(None) box: ArrayQuantity["nanometer"] = Field(None) # type: ignore positions: ArrayQuantity["nanometer"] = Field(None) # type: ignore @validator("box") def validate_box(cls, val): if val is None: return val if val.shape == (3, 3): return val elif val.shape == (3,): val = val * np.eye(3) return val else: raise InvalidBoxError def __init__(self): self._inner_data = self._InnerSystem() @property def handlers(self): """Get the PotentialHandler objects in this Interchange object.""" return self._inner_data.handlers
[docs] def add_handler(self, handler_name: str, handler): """Add a ParameterHandler to this Interchange object.""" self._inner_data.handlers.update({handler_name: handler})
[docs] def remove_handler(self, handler_name: str): """Remove a PotentialHandler in this Interchange object.""" self._inner_data.handlers.pop(handler_name)
@property def topology(self): """Get the OpenFF Topology object in this Interchange object.""" return self._inner_data.topology @topology.setter def topology(self, value): self._inner_data.topology = value @property def positions(self): """Get the positions of all particles.""" return self._inner_data.positions @positions.setter def positions(self, value): self._inner_data.positions = value @property def box(self): """If periodic, an array representing the periodic boundary conditions.""" return @box.setter def box(self, value): = value @classmethod def _check_supported_handlers(cls, force_field: ForceField): unsupported = list() for handler_name in force_field.registered_parameter_handlers: if handler_name in {"ToolkitAM1BCC"}: continue if handler_name not in _SUPPORTED_SMIRNOFF_HANDLERS: unsupported.append(handler_name) if unsupported: raise SMIRNOFFHandlersNotImplementedError(unsupported)
[docs] @classmethod def from_smirnoff( cls, force_field: ForceField, topology: _OFFBioTop, box=None, ) -> "Interchange": """ Create a new object by parameterizing a topology with a SMIRNOFF force field. Parameters ---------- force_field The force field to parameterize the topology with. topology The topology to parameterize. box The box vectors associated with the interchange. Examples -------- Generate an Interchange object from a single-molecule (OpenFF) topology and OpenFF 1.0.0 "Parsley" .. code-block:: pycon >>> from openff.interchange.components.interchange import Interchange >>> from openff.interchange.components.mdtraj import _OFFBioTop >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField >>> import mdtraj as md >>> mol = Molecule.from_smiles("CC") >>> mol.generate_conformers(n_conformers=1) >>> top = _OFFBioTop.from_molecules([mol]) >>> top.mdtop = md.Topology.from_openmm(top.to_openmm()) >>> parsley = ForceField("openff-1.0.0.offxml") >>> interchange = Interchange.from_smirnoff(topology=top, force_field=parsley) >>> interchange Interchange with 8 atoms, non-periodic topology """ sys_out = Interchange() cls._check_supported_handlers(force_field) if isinstance(topology, _OFFBioTop): # TODO: See if Topology(topology) is fixed # sys_out.topology = deepcopy(topology) sys_out.topology.mdtop = topology.mdtop elif isinstance(topology, Topology): sys_out.topology = _OFFBioTop(other=topology) sys_out.topology.mdtop = md.Topology.from_openmm(topology.to_openmm()) else: raise InvalidTopologyError( "Could not process topology argument, expected Topology or _OFFBioTop. " f"Found object of type {type(topology)}." ) parameter_handlers_by_type = { force_field[parameter_handler_name].__class__: force_field[ parameter_handler_name ] for parameter_handler_name in force_field.registered_parameter_handlers } if len(parameter_handlers_by_type) != len( force_field.registered_parameter_handlers ): raise NotImplementedError( "Only force fields that contain one instance of each parameter handler " "type are currently supported." ) for potential_handler_type in SMIRNOFF_POTENTIAL_HANDLERS: parameter_handlers = [ parameter_handlers_by_type[allowed_type] for allowed_type in potential_handler_type.allowed_parameter_handlers() if allowed_type in parameter_handlers_by_type ] if len(parameter_handlers) == 0: continue # TODO: Might be simpler to rework the bond handler to be self-contained and # move back to the constraint handler dealing with the logic (and # depending on the bond handler) if potential_handler_type == SMIRNOFFBondHandler: SMIRNOFFBondHandler.check_supported_parameters(force_field["Bonds"]) potential_handler = SMIRNOFFBondHandler._from_toolkit( parameter_handler=force_field["Bonds"], topology=topology, # constraint_handler=constraint_handler, ) sys_out.handlers.update({"Bonds": potential_handler}) elif potential_handler_type == SMIRNOFFConstraintHandler: bond_handler = force_field._parameter_handlers.get("Bonds", None) constraint_handler = force_field._parameter_handlers.get( "Constraints", None ) if constraint_handler is None: continue constraints = SMIRNOFFConstraintHandler._from_toolkit( parameter_handler=[ val for val in [bond_handler, constraint_handler] if val is not None ], topology=topology, ) sys_out.handlers.update({"Constraints": constraints}) continue elif len(potential_handler_type.allowed_parameter_handlers()) > 1: potential_handler = potential_handler_type._from_toolkit( # type: ignore parameter_handler=parameter_handlers, topology=topology, ) else: potential_handler_type.check_supported_parameters(parameter_handlers[0]) potential_handler = potential_handler_type._from_toolkit( # type: ignore parameter_handler=parameter_handlers[0], topology=topology, ) sys_out.handlers.update({potential_handler.type: potential_handler}) # `box` argument is only overriden if passed `None` and the input topology # has box vectors if box is None and topology.box_vectors is not None: = topology.box_vectors else: = box return sys_out
[docs] def to_gro(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], writer="internal", decimal: int = 8): """Export this Interchange object to a .gro file.""" if self.positions is None: raise MissingPositionsError( "Positions are required to write a `.gro` file but found None." ) elif np.allclose(self.positions, 0): warnings.warn( "Positions seem to all be zero. Result coordinate file may be non-physical.", UserWarning, ) # TODO: Enum-style class for handling writer arg? if writer == "parmed": from openff.interchange.interop.external import ParmEdWrapper ParmEdWrapper().to_file(self, file_path) elif writer == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.gromacs import to_gro to_gro(self, file_path, decimal=decimal) else: raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_top(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], writer="internal"): """Export this interchange to a .top file.""" if writer == "parmed": from openff.interchange.interop.external import ParmEdWrapper ParmEdWrapper().to_file(self, file_path) elif writer == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.gromacs import to_top to_top(self, file_path) else: raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_lammps(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], writer="internal"): """Export this Interchange to a LAMMPS data file.""" if writer == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.lammps import to_lammps to_lammps(self, file_path) else: raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_openmm(self, combine_nonbonded_forces: bool = False): """Export this interchange to an OpenMM System.""" from openff.interchange.interop.openmm import to_openmm as to_openmm_ return to_openmm_(self, combine_nonbonded_forces=combine_nonbonded_forces)
[docs] def to_prmtop(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], writer="internal"): """Export this interchange to an Amber .prmtop file.""" if writer == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.amber import to_prmtop to_prmtop(self, file_path) elif writer == "parmed": from openff.interchange.interop.external import ParmEdWrapper ParmEdWrapper().to_file(self, file_path) else: raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_psf(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]): """Export this interchange to a CHARMM-style .psf file.""" raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_crd(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]): """Export this interchange to a CHARMM-style .crd file.""" raise UnsupportedExportError
[docs] def to_inpcrd(self, file_path: Union[Path, str], writer="internal"): """Export this interchange to an Amber .inpcrd file.""" if writer == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.amber import to_inpcrd to_inpcrd(self, file_path) elif writer == "parmed": from openff.interchange.interop.external import ParmEdWrapper ParmEdWrapper().to_file(self, file_path) else: raise UnsupportedExportError
def _to_parmed(self): """Export this interchange to a ParmEd Structure.""" from openff.interchange.interop.parmed import _to_parmed return _to_parmed(self) @classmethod def _from_parmed(cls, structure): from openff.interchange.interop.parmed import _from_parmed return _from_parmed(cls, structure)
[docs] @classmethod @requires_package("foyer") def from_foyer( cls, topology: "_OFFBioTop", force_field: "FoyerForcefield", **kwargs ) -> "Interchange": """ Create an Interchange object from a Foyer force field and an OpenFF topology. Examples -------- Generate an Interchange object from a single-molecule (OpenFF) topology and the Foyer implementation of OPLS-AA .. code-block:: pycon >>> from openff.interchange.components.interchange import Interchange >>> from openff.interchange.components.mdtraj import _OFFBioTop >>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule >>> from foyer import Forcefield >>> import mdtraj as md >>> mol = Molecule.from_smiles("CC") >>> mol.generate_conformers(n_conformers=1) >>> top = _OFFBioTop.from_molecules([mol]) >>> top.mdtop = md.Topology.from_openmm(top.to_openmm()) >>> oplsaa = Forcefield(name="oplsaa") >>> interchange = Interchange.from_foyer(topology=top, force_field=oplsaa) >>> interchange Interchange with 8 atoms, non-periodic topology """ from openff.interchange.components.foyer import get_handlers_callable system = cls() system.topology = topology for name, Handler in get_handlers_callable().items(): system.handlers[name] = Handler() system.handlers["vdW"].store_matches(force_field, topology=topology) system.handlers["vdW"].store_potentials(force_field=force_field) atom_slots = system.handlers["vdW"].slot_map system.handlers["Electrostatics"].store_charges( atom_slots=atom_slots, force_field=force_field, ) system.handlers["vdW"].scale_14 = force_field.lj14scale system.handlers["Electrostatics"].scale_14 = force_field.coulomb14scale for name, handler in system.handlers.items(): if name not in ["vdW", "Electrostatics"]: handler.store_matches(atom_slots, topology=topology) handler.store_potentials(force_field) return system
[docs] @classmethod @requires_package("intermol") def from_gromacs( cls, topology_file: Union[Path, str], gro_file: Union[Path, str], reader="intermol", ) -> "Interchange": """ Create an Interchange object from GROMACS files. """ from intermol.gromacs.gromacs_parser import GromacsParser from openff.interchange.interop.intermol import from_intermol_system intermol_system = GromacsParser(topology_file, gro_file).read() via_intermol = from_intermol_system(intermol_system) if reader == "intermol": return via_intermol elif reader == "internal": from openff.interchange.interop.internal.gromacs import ( _read_box, _read_coordinates, from_top, ) via_internal = from_top(topology_file, gro_file) via_internal.positions = _read_coordinates(gro_file) = _read_box(gro_file) for key in via_intermol.handlers: if key not in [ "Bonds", "Angles", "ProperTorsions", "ImproperTorsions", "vdW", "Electrostatics", ]: raise Exception(f"Found unexpected handler with name {key}") via_internal.handlers[key] = via_intermol.handlers[key] return via_internal else: raise Exception(f"Reader {reader} is not implemented.")
def _get_parameters(self, handler_name: str, atom_indices: Tuple[int]) -> Dict: """ Get parameter values of a specific potential. Here, parameters are expected to be uniquely dfined by the name of its associated handler and a tuple of atom indices. Note: This method only checks for equality of atom indices and will likely fail on complex cases involved layered parameters with multiple topology keys sharing identical atom indices. """ for handler in self.handlers: if handler == handler_name: return self[handler_name]._get_parameters(atom_indices=atom_indices) raise MissingParameterHandlerError( f"Could not find parameter handler of name {handler_name}" ) def _get_nonbonded_methods(self): if "vdW" in self.handlers: nonbonded_handler = "vdW" elif "Buckingham-6" in self.handlers: nonbonded_handler = "Buckingham-6" else: raise InternalInconsistencyError("Found no non-bonded handlers") nonbonded_ = { "electrostatics_method": self.handlers["Electrostatics"].method, "vdw_method": self.handlers[nonbonded_handler].method, "periodic_topology": is not None, } return nonbonded_ # TODO: Does this cause any strange behaviors with Pydantic? # Taken from _aliases = {"box_vectors": "x", "coordinates": "positions", "top": "topology"} def __setattr__(self, name, value): name = self._aliases.get(name, name) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): name = self._aliases.get(name, name) return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __getitem__(self, item: str): """Syntax sugar for looking up potential handlers or other components.""" if type(item) != str: raise LookupError( "Only str arguments can be currently be used for lookups.\n" f"Found item {item} of type {type(item)}" ) if item == "positions": return self.positions elif item in {"box", "box_vectors"}: return elif item in self.handlers: return self.handlers[item] else: raise LookupError( f"Could not find component {item}. This object has the following " f"potential handlers registered:\n\t{[*self.handlers.keys()]}" ) def __add__(self, other): """Combine two Interchange objects. This method is unstable and likely unsafe.""" from openff.interchange.components.mdtraj import _combine_topologies from openff.interchange.models import TopologyKey warnings.warn( "Iterchange object combination is experimental and likely to produce " "strange results. Any workflow using this method is not guaranteed to " "be suitable for production. Use with extreme caution and thoroughly " "validate results!" ) self_copy = Interchange() self_copy._inner_data = deepcopy(self._inner_data) self_copy.topology = _combine_topologies(self.topology, other.topology) atom_offset = self.topology.mdtop.n_atoms for handler_name, handler in other.handlers.items(): self_handler = self_copy.handlers[handler_name] for top_key, pot_key in handler.slot_map.items(): new_atom_indices = tuple( idx + atom_offset for idx in top_key.atom_indices ) new_top_key = TopologyKey( atom_indices=new_atom_indices, mult=top_key.mult, ) self_handler.slot_map.update({new_top_key: pot_key}) self_handler.potentials.update({pot_key: handler.potentials[pot_key]}) new_positions = np.vstack([self_copy.positions, other.positions]) self_copy.positions = new_positions if not np.all( == raise NotImplementedError( "Combination with unequal box vectors is not curretnly supported" ) return self_copy def __repr__(self): periodic = is not None try: n_atoms = self.topology.mdtop.n_atoms except AttributeError: n_atoms = "unknown number of" except NameError: n_atoms = self.topology.n_topology_atoms return f"Interchange with {n_atoms} atoms, {'' if periodic else 'non-'}periodic topology"